Lantmännen is a leading agricultural cooperative based in Sweden, owned by thousands of Swedish farmers. Established in 1880, the company plays a vital role in the entire value chain from field to fork, encompassing areas such as agriculture, machinery, bioenergy, and food production. Lantmännen is committed to sustainable practices and innovation, striving to develop solutions that contribute to a thriving agriculture sector and sustainable food production. With well-known brands like AXA, Kungsörnen, and GoGreen, Lantmännen is a trusted name in the Nordic region, providing high-quality products to consumers and industries alike.
For Lantmännen we developed a food truck tour that brought Lantmännen’s products directly to the consumer.
The food truck was fully branded and caught attention everywhere it went. Inside, we offered a delicious sampling experience featuring the “Bondens Street food från Myllan” made with GoGreen’s Vegoburgare and served on Korvbrödsbagaren’s Potato Burger Bun, topped with a variety of tasty accompaniments. The concept allowed consumers to experience Lantmännen’s products in a fun and accessible way. The “Lantmännen Food Truck Tour” was designed to travel across Sweden.